
We strive to discover and share useful information with our community bank clients.


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We deliver useful “Insights”  through our service solutions, bulletins, webinars, blogs and research-based studies.  We invite community bank executives and directors to take advantage of these insight alternatives.  In this changing community bank landscape our purpose is to shed some light and support planning and risk management decisions.

What you get

  • CB Bulletin: Our weekly industry report that features key performance trends, aggregates recent and interesting articles, and highlights current Merger/Acquisition activity from the previous week
  • Webinars: We host webinars designed to be insightful, useful, and brief.  Topics range from strategic and capital planning, ERM Implementation (and subsets), as well as selected topics presented by subject matter experts.
  • CB Journal: Periodically we publish research-based studies that shed light on industry trends, express opinions, or provide useful information to advance the independence of community banks

Valued Insights

Our clients leverage our insights. We work with hundreds of bankers every year developing their plans and managing their risks. Our insights regarding business models, success factors, pit falls, regulators, investors and overall performance drivers are indispensable in developing, challenging, and validating your strategy.

How can we help you?