Achieving Greater Sustainable Impact Webinar Series

This 4-part webinar series is an interactive program for CDFI and MDI bank executives to explore how to optimize these historic opportunities for generating growth and impact – while managing risk. We will discuss how to optimize impact with clearly defined strategy, integrated capital planning, and risk monitoring. Such an integrated strategy will ensure sustainable and impactful performance in good times and bad.

Achieving Greater Sustainable Impact Webinar Series

Your Bank’s New Operating Reality: Are You Ready?

We will explore the banking environment and trends, as well as the unique opportunities being presented to CDFI and MDI banks. A panel of CDFI bank executives will examine the current industry conditions and discuss the challenges and opportunities being presented to CDFI and MDI banks. The session will set the table for the webinar series on how the integration of strategic planning, impact measurement, and risk management can help banks navigate uncharted waters.


The Foundation for Sustainable Impact: Articulating Your Risk Appetite

Defining your risk appetite for the post pandemic economy is no small task. For CDFI and MDI banks with new capital opportunities, this interactive session will focus on how to define your bank's risk appetite for the post-pandemic economy. It is designed to help you develop your risk appetite framework, statements, and key risk indicators within the context of executing on your impact strategy. The session will pose these questions: "Have you developed or defined the level of risk you are willing to take over the next four to eight quarters? How does this align with your impact strategy? Has this analysis been documented and approved by your Board?"


Road Map to Success: Strategic and Capital Planning

No two banks are exactly alike. Thus, success can come in different forms. A well-formed and executed strategic plan better ensures that the bank has a pathway to their own unique success. CDFI and MDI banks now have access to resources that were once unimaginable. With those resources, the bank must define how they will be utilized and what success looks like. How will the bank achieve success and what impact will that produce? This session will discuss strategic planning methods as well as the importance of defining risk appetite.


Managing Risk: Deployment, Delivery, Technology & People

Risk management is what you do. Leveraging a robust system to identify, measure, monitor and control your bank’s risk is central to building sustainable impact and performance. In this last session, we will develop a framework and process that zeros in on managing the movement of risk with specific emphasis on deployment, delivery, technology, compliance, and people. A key factor to a successful risk management system is its ability to synchronize risk and performance priorities using both quantitative and qualitative data.

Key Benefits:

  1. Gaining insights on the market forces affecting the community bank industry and more specifically the CDFI ecosystem (i.e., excess liquidity, prolonged low interest rates, competitive forces influencing credit quality decisions, existing and new market entrants’ impact, regulatory activism, and more)
  2. Gaining insights on how to respond to immediate challenges associated with receiving ECIP funding
  3. Hearing reflections from peer CDFI and MDI leaders on their business models, strategy, and how to measure impact
  4. Exploring strategic alternatives regarding capital deployment, the role of technology and evolving workforce
  5. Developing proven strategic plans that set a clear course of targeted and measurable actions that stand up to critical stakeholder scrutiny
  6. Integrating a capital planning discipline and process to articulate capital deployment, adequacy, and contingencies
  7. Adopting a risk management process that identifies, measures, monitors, and controls risk by effectively tracking the movement of risk overtime

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